Publicly Inquiry for Company & Industial Registration Applications
(Received Case No. format: (1) Taipei City: 9 digits only; (2) Others: 11 digits (appending zeroes if necessary))
(for registration of incorporation only, composed of 9 digits)
(Composed of 8 digits)

公告訊息 Announcement

本部商工行政服務相關網站將於112年1月1日起停止支援TLS1.1安全性傳輸協定,並請務必啟用TLS 1.2以上版本
2022年6月30日 經濟部商業發展署

目前最新版的主流瀏覽器皆支援TLS 1.2(含)以上協定,請於111年12月底前檢視或更改相關設定,以避免無法正常開啟網頁, 各瀏覽器版本說明如下:
Google Chrome 38以上
Google Android (5.0以上) 內建瀏覽器
Apple Desktop OS X (10.9以上) Safari 7以上
Apple Mobile iOS (5以上) Safari 5以上
Microsoft Edge

※ The [company registration case search] service lets applicants inquire the progress of their cases, which are either unsettled, or settled within six months (180 days) .
[Search guidelines]
1. After selecting the Registration Authority, please provide at least one search criteria, then click the Search button.
2. When searching with the Received Case No, please follow the correct input length for each of the Registration Authority.  When using the Name Reservation No., please input the complete Name Reservation No. consisting of 9 digits.  When using the Unified Business No. of Applicant Company, please input the complete Unified Business No. containing 8 digits.  When using the Applicant Name or Company Name, please input the Chinese name or the English name with at least two characters or more.
3. The query result shows records that matches the search criteria in a list containing Received Case No., Receive Date, Unified Business No., Company Name and other information. Each record can be clicked to view the detailed information.
※ If data has discrepancies, please contact the specified Registration Authority.