※ The [company registration case search] service lets applicants inquire the progress of their cases, which are either
or settled
within six months (180 days)
1. After selecting the Registration Authority, please provide at least one search criteria, then click the Search button.
2. When searching with the Received Case No, please follow the correct input length for each of the Registration Authority. When using the Name Reservation No., please input the complete Name Reservation No. consisting of 9 digits. When using the Unified Business No. of Applicant Company, please input the complete Unified Business No. containing 8 digits. When using the Applicant Name or Company Name, please input the Chinese name or the English name with at least two characters or more.
3. The query result shows records that matches the search criteria in a list containing Received Case No., Receive Date, Unified Business No., Company Name and other information. Each record can be clicked to view the detailed information.
※ If data has discrepancies, please contact the specified Registration Authority.